Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Aher

Aher meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Aher.html

🔼The name Aher: Summary

From the verb אחר (aher), to come after.

🔼The name Aher in the Bible

The name Aher occurs only one time in the Bible. The Chronicler mentions him as the father of Hushim of Benjamin (1 Chronicles 7:12). Some scholars recognize a problem in that the Chronicler isn't the only Biblical author who lists descendants of Benjamin, but is nevertheless the only author ever to mention the name Aher.

In an attempt to identify Aher in other texts by another name has linked this figure to the Ahiram of Numbers 26:38, the Shaharaim of 1 Chronicles 8:8, and even to nobody at all! The name Aher may mean "another" and 1 Chronicles 7:12 may simply say, "and Shuppim and Huppim were city-slickers who rapidly reared more sons".

🔼Etymology of the name Aher

As mentioned, the name Aher (if it is a name) is identical to the adjective אחר (aher), meaning another. This adjective comes from the common Hebrew verb אחר (aher), meaning to come after, which yields half a dozen of fellow derivatives, all reflecting the idea of coming after or later or following:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb אחר ('ahar) means to come after or later, to derive or even to delay (to make to come after or later). Adjective אחר (aher) means another, adjective אחרי (aharay) means afterwards, and adjective אחרון (aharon) means hindermost. Noun אחרית (aharit) refers to some after part and noun אחור (ahor) to some back part. Adverb אחרנית (ahoranit) means backwards. Preposition אחר (ahar) means behind.

🔼Aher meaning

For a meaning of the "name" Aher, NOBSE Study Bible Name List indeed reads Another. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names renders a curious Coming Slowly. BDB Theological Dictionary doesn't translate but warns "identification and meaning quite dubious".