Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Casiphia

Casiphia meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Casiphia.html

🔼The name Casiphia: Summary

Silvery, Reflecting Yah
From the verb כסף (kasap), to be pale or to reflect, or the noun כסף (kesep), silver, possible suffixed by יה (yah), the name of the Lord.

🔼The name Casiphia in the Bible

There's only one town called Casiphia mentioned in the Bible, and it's mentioned twice in Ezra 8:17, as the residence of Iddo the seer, chief of the Nethinim, of whom Ezra acquired a contingent of templars to reboot the temple service in Jerusalem.

🔼Etymology of the name Casiphia

The name Casiphia consists of two elements, the first and most obvious being the verb כסף (kasap), to be pale or to reflect:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb כסף (kasap) means to be pale, or even to reflect. Its derived noun כסף (kesep) means silver, and refers to money and the formation of a complex economy as much as to speech and the rise of information technology.

The second part of our name may be an adjectival י (yod), augmented with an inconsequential א (aleph). Or both are an Aramaic version of the familiar יה (Yah), which is short for יהוה, the name YHWH.

🔼Casiphia meaning

For a meaning of the name Casiphia, NOBSE Study Bible Name List goes with the adjective and reads Silvery. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names sees a remnant of the name of the Lord and reads Silver Of The Lord. BDB Theological Dictionary does not offer an interpretation of this name.