Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Jeribai

Jeribai meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jeribai.html

🔼The name Jeribai: Summary

Contentious, Yah Contends
From (1) the verb ריב (rib), to contend, and possibly (2) יה (yah), the shortened name of the Lord.

🔼The name Jeribai in the Bible

The name Jeribai occurs only once time in the Bible. He and his brother Joshaviah, sons of Elnaam, are mentioned among David's mighty-men, and that's all we know about this person (1 Chronicles 11:46).

🔼Etymology of the name Jeribai

The name Jeribai comes from the verb ריב (rib) meaning to strive or contend:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The very common verb ריב (rib) means to strive or contend and ranges from a mere bickering to full scale combat. Noun ריב (rib) means strife, dispute or plea. Noun יריב (yarib) denotes an opponent or adversary. Noun מריבה (meriba) refers to a place or agent of strife or contention.

The letter י (yod) upon which our name ends, may either create an adjective (contentious), a possessive form (my strife), or may be a remnant of יה (Yah) = יהו (Yahu) = יו (Yu), which in turn are abbreviated forms of the Tetragrammaton יהוה, YHWH, or Yahweh.

🔼Jeribai meaning

For a meaning of the name Jeribai, NOBSE Study Bible Name List takes the final yod to be a remnant of YHWH and reads Yahweh Contends. Alfred Jones (Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names) who usually favors the YHWH connection, now writes off the final yod as an insignificant termination. Jones equates the name Jeribai with Jarib and reads He Will Contend for Jeribai (and He Will Plead The Cause for Jarib, most curiously). BDB Theological Dictionary does not offer an interpretation of the name Jeribai but does list it under the verb ריב (rib).