Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Shuham

Shuham meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Shuham.html

🔼The name Shuham: Summary

From the verb שוח (shuah), to be low or humbled.

🔼The name Shuham in the Bible

The name Shuman occurs only once in the Bible. In Numbers 26:42 he is mentioned as the patriarch of the extensive Danite sub-clan of the Shuhamites (שוחמי). This Shuham may be the same as Hushim (חושים), the son of Dan and proto-Israelite mentioned in Genesis 46:23.

🔼Etymology of the name Shuham

The name Shuman appears to be an intensive form derived from the verb שוח (shuah), meaning to sink low:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb שחח (shahah) means to bow down or be bowed down, crouched or humbled. Adjective שח (shah) means low or lowly.

Verb שוח (shuah) means to sink, or to be bowed down or humbled. Nouns שוחה (shuha) and שיחה (shiha) mean pit.

🔼Shuham meaning

For a meaning of the name Shuham, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Depression. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names appears to go with the derived noun שוחה (shuha), meaning pit, and reads Pit-digger. BDB Theological Dictionary does not offer an interpretation of this name but does list it under the verb שוח (shuah), meaning to sink down.