Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Zuar

Zuar meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Zuar.html

🔼The name Zuar: Summary

Small, Little
From the verb צער (sa'ar), to be or become small or insignificant.

🔼The name Zuar in the Bible

There's only one man called Zuar in the Bible but we know about him only because of his famous son, Nethanel, who was the leader of the tribe of Issachar at the beginning of Israel's wandering years (Numbers 1:8).

Nethanel son of Zuar was to park the tribe of Issachar on the east of the tabernacle, next to the tribe of Judah (2:5), and was the second to depart when the camp had broken up (10:15). Issachar's offering occurred on the second day of the tabernacle's dedication festival (7:8).

🔼Etymology of the name Zuar

The name Zuar comes from the verb צער (sa'ar), meaning to be or become small:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb צער (sa'ar) means to be or become small or insignificant. Adjective צעיר (sa'ir) may mean small or young, younger, youngest. Noun צעירה (se'ira) means youth, young or subservient person. Noun מצער (mis'ar) refers to any place or agent of smallness; a small town, one's humble beginnings, a few men, a little while.

🔼Zuar meaning

For a meaning of the name Zuar, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Small, Little. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names proposes Very Small, but does not explain where the "very" comes from (it's not implied by the name). BDB Theological Dictionary suggests Little One.