Is Astrology Always Wrong?

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Misunderstanding_Bible/Astrology_And_Bible.html

Is Astrology Always Wrong?

Nope, just often misapplied

Stars were created to be signs (Genesis 1:14), but as with every message (including Scriptures) a flawed exegesis gives flawed conclusions.

It appears that a baby's earliest impressions have a strong influence on its character development. A child that is born under a winter-sky will initially experience lots of darkness, mothers with fluffy sweaters and the smell of hot chocolate. A child born under a summer-sky will experience lots of light, lots of naked limbs and the smell of vegetation.

Certainly there is a connection between character-tendency and star sign. Still, every message — including the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, science and astrology — should lead to Christ. If you stumble upon the path of above mentioned heathen astrologers (the magi mentioned by Matthew) it comes highly recommended that you take it.