Does the Bible say that the earth is flat?

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Misunderstanding_Bible/Earth_Flat_Bible.html

Does the Bible Say that the Earth is Flat?

Quite the contrary

The Biblical worldview certainly differs from ours, but that's probably because the Bible's view on pretty much anything differs from ours. That's why the Bible exists. But nowhere is the earth called flat.

Isaiah writes about the "circle of the earth" (40:22), which may indicate merely the circular horizon but certainly does not obstruct a spherical earth model. As a matter of fact, Isaiah lived in a hill country and his horizon was not a circle. Isaiah's literary abilities were extraordinary and if he was speaking of the horizon, he would have chosen a different word than circle. Still, this remains conjecture.

In Job 26:7 however we read the astounding and accurate remark that "the earth is suspended on nothing"; something that is contradicted by every ancient world model, but confirmed by modern science.