Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Jaziz

Jaziz meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jaziz.html

🔼The name Jaziz: Summary

He Will Move Like The Tide
From the verb זוז (zwz), to move cyclic like a tide.

🔼The name Jaziz in the Bible

The name Jaziz occurs only one time in the Bible. In 1 Chronicles 27:31 Jaziz the Hagrite is mentioned as the manager of David's flocks (not counting the donkeys, which were taken care of by Jehdeiah, or the camels which were kept by Obil, or the cattle which were looked after by Shaphat and Shitrai).

🔼Etymology of the name Jaziz

The graceful name Jaziz comes from the verb זוז (zwz):

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

Judging from its extant derivatives, unused verb זוז (zwz) appears to have described a cyclic or tidal "ebb and flow" motion. Noun זיז (ziz) denotes roving things such as certain animals, which obviously move about their territory in circles, depending on the season. Noun מזוזה (mezuza) denotes a "place or agent" of the parental verb's cyclic motion, and refers to a door- or gate-post (and of course humans' frequent return to some fundamental truth).

The name Jaziz is formed from our verb prefixed with the letter yod. This activates the root and would mean: he will ziz.

🔼Jaziz meaning

For a meaning of the name Jaziz, NOBSE Study Bible Name List takes a wild leap of liberality and reads Shining (and this may have to do with an Aramaic root of similar form, which means just that). Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names takes our name from a proposed second verb זוז (zwz II), which is proposed to mean to be abundant, and suggests the subsequent He Will Bring Abundance, but this is all rather arbitrary.

Here at Abarim Publications we surmise that our name is an active form of the verb זוז (zwz), and means He Will Move Like The Tide.