Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary: The Old Testament Hebrew word: שפט

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Dictionary/si/si-p-te.html


Abarim Publications' online Biblical Hebrew Dictionary


The verb שפט (shapat) means to judge or govern. This verb is much more common than the more poetic equivalent דין (dyn - see the name Dan), and covers a wide range of legislative, executive and judicial functions. The nouns שפט (shepet) and שפוט (shepot) both mean judgment in the penal sense, but the much more frequently occurring noun משפט (mishpat) denotes a ruling in a general sense, having been translated with words like justice, ordinance, custom or manner.

The ultimate ruling of God that starts at "Judgment Day," is therefore not simply a division between the lost and the saved, but rather the commencement of humanity directly under God's permanent government (separated from the humanity that rejects justice). That government will feel as perfect freedom, as God's righteousness is much more akin the natural laws that "govern" the universe than any human laws that restrict or burden human citizens.

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