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Eubulus meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Eubulus.html

🔼The name Eubulus: Summary

Good Counsel, Prudent
From (1) the prefix ευ (eu), good, and (2) the noun βουλη (boule), will or counsel.

🔼The name Eubulus in the Bible

The name Eubulus occurs only once in the Bible. At the end of his second letter to Timothy, Paul conveys greetings from Eubulus (2 Timothy 4:21). This letter was written in Rome, and that's probably were Eubulus lived. Eubulus is originally a Greek name and history tells of several famous men with that name, both BC and AD.

🔼Etymology of the name Eubulus

Eubulus is a Greek name, which consists of two elements. The first part comes from the familiar prefix ευ (eu), meaning good:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The familiar adverb ευ (eu) means good or noble. It occurs mostly in compounds.

The second part of our name comes from the noun βουλη (boule), meaning will, counsel or intention:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The noun βουλη (boule) describes the result of contemplation and deliberation: counsel, will, purpose. The associated verb, βουλευω (bouleuo), means to counsel, consult or resolve.

Together these two elements form the common words ευβουλος (euboulos), meaning well-advised or prudent, and ευβουλια (euboulia), meaning good counsel, soundness of judgment or prudence.

Spelled slightly different, as ευβολος (eubolos), it means being lucky or having luck. As epithet of Zeus it appears as ευβουλευς (eubouleus) or ευβουλος (euboulos), meaning "he of good counsel".

🔼Eubulus meaning

For a meaning of the name Eubulus, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Prudent. Spiros Zodhiates (The Complete Wordstudy Dictionary) does the same and adds Well-intentioned.