Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Hannathon

Hannathon meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Hannathon.html

🔼The name Hannathon: Summary

Place Of Much Favor, Regarded With Favor
From the verb חנן (hanan), to be gracious.

🔼The name Hannathon in the Bible

The name Hannathon occurs only once in the Bible. It's the name of a location that marked the north boundary of the territory allotted to the tribe of Zebulun (Joshua 19:14).

🔼Etymology of the name Hannathon

The name Hannathon comes from the verb חנן (hanan), meaning to be gracious:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb חנן (hanan) means to be gracious or to favor. Nouns חן (hen), חנינה (hanina), תחנה (tehinna) and תחנון (tahanun) mean favor or grace. Adverb חנם (hinnam) means freely or gratis, and adjective חנון (hannun) means gracious.

The name Hannathon looks like it's rooted in the name Hannah, but spelled with the letter ת (taw) instead of the ה (he). That may either indicate an intensive form (much favor), or it's an old fashioned way of spelling the same thing. The ן (final nun) upon which our name ends may be a remnant of the familiar waw-nun couple that personifies or localizes the idea of the root: place of...

🔼Hannathon meaning

Altogether, our name would mean something like: Place Of Much Favor. For a meaning of Hannathon, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Regarded With Favor. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names has Extraordinary Free Gift. BDB Theological Dictionary does not interpret our name but does list it under the verb חנן (hanan), meaning to be gracious.