Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Almon

Almon meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Almon.html

🔼The name Almon: Summary

From the verb עלם ('alam), to be hidden.

🔼The name Almon in the Bible

The name Almon occurs only once. It's mentioned as one of the cities that were given to the Levite branch of the Kohathites (Joshua 21:18). In 1 Chronicles 6:60 this town is called Allemeth.

🔼Etymology of the name Almon

The name Almon comes from the root group עלם. The ון upon which this name ends is a common structure to localize or personify a root:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb עלם ('alam) means to be hidden or concealed and noun תעלמה (ta'alumma) describes a hidden thing, but all this with an emphasis on a potential coming out rather than a hiding for, say, safety or mysteriousness.

Noun עלם ('elem) describes a young man, עלמה ('alma) a young woman, and עלומים ('alumim) youth(s) in general, which appears to appeal to the still "hidden" potential of youth. Likewise the noun עולם (olam), which means forever or everlasting, appears to refer to the potential of any present situation, which may realize when time is unlimited.

🔼Almon meaning

NOBSE Study Bible Name List doesn't list Almon, but Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names interprets it as Hidden. BDB Theological Dictionary doesn't translate this name but does list it under עלם, meaning to hide or conceal. BDB also helpfully submits that this town is about one hour north-east of Jerusalem, but doesn't mention if that's an hour by camel or Land Rover.