Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Timon

Timon meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Timon.html

🔼The name Timon: Summary

Deeming Worthy, Honoring
From the verb τιω (tio), to value highly or to honor.

🔼The name Timon in the Bible

The name Timon occurs only once in the Bible. He is listed among the seven "men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom" who were chosen by the congregation in order to wait tables (Acts 6:5).

The author of Acts appears to employ a bit of humor in this paragraph. The story he tells is that Hellenized Jews complained that their widows were being skipped at chow time, and although discrimination and the neglect of widows are serious matters, they hardly require lengthy excursions into theological theory (Acts 6:2 and 6:4).

The seven wise men were assigned their primary duty of making sure the Hellenistic widows got their desserts, but their further skills obviously allowed them to inspire the people to be just and righteous out of a reflex and concentrate any problem-solving energies to matters of greater complexity (see Acts 6:8).

🔼Etymology of the name Timon

The name Timon comes from the noun τιμη (time), meaning value, which in turn derives from the verb τιω (tio), meaning to value highly or to honor:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The noun τιμη (time) describes something that is dear, valuable or honorable. It stems from the verb τιω (tio), to honor, revere, prize highly or simply: to value or price. Both this verb and its noun speak of an intimate knowledge of the thing assessed, and an intimate knowledge of the item's usefulness relative to the economy at large.

🔼Timon meaning

For a meaning of the name Timon, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Deeming Worthy and Spiros Zodhiates (The Complete Wordstudy Dictionary) proposes Honoring.