Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Jashub

Jashub meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jashub.html

🔼The name Jashub: Summary

He Will Return
From the verb שוב (shub), to return.

🔼The name Jashub in the Bible

The name Jashub is assigned to two different men in the Bible. The first Jashub we meet is a family-head of the ישובי, the Jashubites of Issachar (Numbers 26:24), one of four sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 7:1, here spelled ישיב, Jashib). The other Jashub is a son of Bani and is mentioned among those who had married and were going to divorce their foreign wives, encouraged by Ezra the Reformer (Ezra 10:29).

🔼Etymology of the name Jashub

The name Jashub comes from the verb שוב (shub), meaning to return:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb שוב (shub) tells of a reversal in motion; the point where an upward motion becomes a downward one, or vice versa, or a westward motion an eastward one, and so on. This very frequently occurring verb is mostly translated with to turn or return, and is often used to mean to convert or return to a more fruitful way of life, and hence to restore, to retrieve or even to abstain, to reply and to repeat. Noun שובה (shuba) means withdrawal; noun שיבה (shiba) means restoration, and noun תשובה (teshuba) means answer. Adjectives שובב (shobab), שובב (shobeb) and משובה (meshuba) mean backsliding, or transitioning from a positive to a negative way of life.

Verb ישב (yashab) means to sit (the act which occurs precisely in between a person's descent and ascent) or to remain or dwell (in between traveling to and from some place). Nouns שבת (shebet) and מושב (moshab) mean both seat or dwelling place. Noun תושב (toshab) means sojourner.

The verb שבת (shabbat) means to rest or cease activity, and the familiar noun שבת (shabbat) means a rest or stoppage. Noun שבת (shebbet) means cessation and is closely similar to the noun שבת (shebet), meaning seat, mentioned above. Noun משבת (mishbat) also means cessation. Denominative verb שבת (shabat) means to keep the Sabbath and the noun שבתון (shabbaton) denotes a sabbatical observance.

Verb שבה (shaba) means to take captive, or to put a halt to someone's preferred trajectory and coerce them to go somewhere else. Nouns שבי (shebi) and שביה (shibya) mean captivity or captives collectively, but with the emphasis on being moved somewhere rather than the static condition of being imprisoned. Likewise, the noun שביה (shebiya) means captive. Noun שבית (shebit) or שבות (shebut) means captivity but since the parent verb speaks of a sudden change of destiny rather than a particular destination, this noun may also be used to mean restoration. The noun שבו (shebo) describes some sort of gem, apparently a real "head-turner."

The name Jashub is the verb shub pre-fixed with the letter yod, which makes the verb active: he will shub.

🔼Jashub meaning

For a meaning of the name Jashub, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads He Returns. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names proposes He Will Return.