Abraham and the Standard Model in Genesis

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/GenesisStandardModel.html

17. Abraham and the Standard Model in Genesis

— Nuclear Physics in an Ancient Document —

Genesis 13:16

"I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth, so that if anyone can number the dust of the earth, then your descendants can also be numbered."

The significance of Abraham as point in the development of man.

When Jesus was asked about the nature and specifically some marital consequences of the resurrection He responded with a verbal shrug and said, "But about the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what God said to you, I AM the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not the God of the dead but of the living." And when the crowds heard this, they were astonished at His teaching (Matthew 22:32-33).

We modern westerners like to link our calendar to the birth of Christ and speak of BC and AD, but before Christ the most pivotal point in the development of mankind was Abraham. Abraham believed God, was considered righteous and immortal, even though he obviously departed from his earthly body.

Abraham was the first to have this happen to; before Abraham there was no eternal life. Some may argue that certainly folks like Adam and Enoch and Noah will be present at the resurrection, and yes, this may or may not be so, but the keyword in regards to the Abrahamic stage is continuum. God cut a covenant with Abraham that has been continuously upheld; there is an uninterrupted conduit of trans-mortal existence that runs from Genesis 15 all the way across Scriptures from Abraham, through Isaac, Jacob, the tribes of Israel, the Tabernacle, Temple and finally Christ and the Body of Christ.

The proceedings before Abraham are certainly significant in the bringing forth of the post-Abrahamic period, but they are of a completely different reality. Things that really mattered after Abraham, were not around before him. After Abraham reality was derived from absolute novelty. Before Abraham all things were different.

Abram's (or Abraham's) family

Abram was a son of Terah. Abram's two brothers were called Nahor and Haran, and their half-sister (same father) was called Sarai. Haran had two daughters and a son. Nahor married one of the daughters, and when Haran died, Abram adopted Haran's son Lot. That's when the journey truly began.

Names in Scriptures are often very important. Especially when names are changed the focus is drawn towards the meaning of them. And names change only when something very important is going on. Abram became Abraham, and Sarai became Sara when the trans-mortal conduit was initialized. Jacob became Israel when Scriptures first acknowledged the personhood of a many. Hosea became Joshua (Numbers 13) when the first Israelites were to scout out the Promised Land (a premonition of the apocalyptic New Earth; Joshua is the Hebrew form of the Greek name Jesus - read the articles in our Biblical Name Vault; see the link below). And in the New Testament Jesus gives His disciple Simon the name Peter, which means rock, because 'on this rock I will build my church'.

It is in this light that our attention is drawn towards the name Nahor. This name comes from a verb that is reserved to describe the vigorous snorting of horses, and the image of horses would later be used by John the Revelator in his famous horseman-passage that is highly similar to a description of the four natural forces (see chapter 16).

Nahor marries his niece Milcah and keeps a concubine on the side, whose name is Reumah. Immediately after the scene in which Abraham almost sacrifices his son Isaac on Mount Moriah (the same hill upon which David had Solomon build the Temple; one of the mountains of Jerusalem), Abraham was told about the offspring of his brother Nahor (Genesis 22:20-24). Nahor's wife Milcah had borne him 8 sons; his concubine Reumah had borne him 4 sons. The bosons of the Standard Model are organized in exactly the same way: 8 strong nuclear bosons; 4 electroweak bosons. Three of the electroweak bosons would later carry the weak nuclear force. Their names are Tebah (Slayer), Maacah (Squeezer), and Gaham (Burner).

Abraham has two sons during his marriage to Sarah: Ishmael with Hagar the Egyptian slave woman, and Isaac with Sarah.

Although God tells Abraham that Isaac will be the keeper of the covenant, Ishmael will also be greatly blessed and made into a great nation. From Ishmael will come 12 rulers (Genesis 17:20) as he marries an Egyptian woman (21:21), and he will become an archer, a man of the bow (21:20). The sons of Ishmael are therefore three quarters Egyptian, which practically would render them full Egyptian status.

The Standard Model tells us about two groups of 12 particles: Leptons and quarks. Quarks are associated with the mass of the universe; they are the ones most responsible for space-time curvature, the attribute of gravity, the bow of the white horseman.

Much later the prophet Isaiah lists the tribes that are to be gathered onto the Kingdom of God. Only Kedar and Nebaioth remain (60:7). The Bride from the Song of Songs compares her own blackness to that of Kedar's camps. After the era of quark slaughter only two quarks remain: Up and Down. The down-quark has the same direction of electrical charge as the electron (both negative).

Abraham's son Isaac has two sons with Rebekah, Esau and Jacob. Jacob continues to have 12 sons, which would later be the 12 tribes of Israel, congruent with the 12 leptons of the Standard Model.

Famine strikes the land; the universe expands and energy density decreases. The people of Israel move to Egypt because there is food. The mass dominated era is at full swing. The heaviest lepton is more massive than the lightest few quarks. Joseph becomes viceroy of Egypt but as quarks begin to combine, even the heaviest leptons are dwarfed. A period of lepton-enslavement ensues and is concluded when the strong-electroweak symmetry breaches and Moses leads the people out of bondage.

Israel becomes her own political entity. She organizes, receives law and starts to occupy a land. Then she becomes a kingdom, first Saul, then David and finally Solomon who rules over a peaceful nation that contains all the tribes of Israel.

After Solomon's death the nation of Israel breaches. The lepton family does likewise. As the electroweak force breaches into electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force, the once symmetrical lepton family breaks apart into leptons that are receptive to the photons of electromagnetism and those who are not. But at the same time the conditions of the universe made it impossible for the larger leptons and the anti-particles to remain, and only two leptons made it through: the electron (receptive) and the e-neutrino (not receptive).

The united kingdom of Israel falls apart into a ten-tribe part which keeps the name Israel, and Judah, which consists of two tribes: Judah and Simeon. Simeon was a full brother of Judah and the inheritance of this tribe fell within the borders of Judah. Then the empires arise. Assyria carries off the ten-tribe part and these people are never heard from again (most likely they were assimilated into the Assyrian population). Babylon carries off Judah (and Simeon anonymously within its borders), and the amazing stories of Daniel and Esther follow. Nebuchadnezzar, the emperor of Babylon and probably the most powerful man at that time, converts to the God of Daniel and proclaims his empire subject to the Living God. Later Esther becomes the wife of (the now Persian) emperor Xerxes who reigned a region that stretched from India to Ethiopia, averts the holocaust intended by Haman and causes the people of Judah to be given their pride back. Soon after, a man named Zerubbabel leads a group of Jews back to Canaan. Ezra and Nehemiah follow. The wall of Jerusalem is rebuilt. So is the Temple.

Ezra, who must have been quite familiar with the Law (that is the Torah), reads the Torah and discovers something which he had never discovered before. It changes his look on the Text drastically, and he recognizes the importance of educating his people. But the people were speaking Aramaic by now and needed to have the Torah explained to them. Ezra instituted a group of 'explainers' whose sole function was to explain the Torah to the people. Soon the living Spirit of the Torah became neglected in favor of a rigid system of deterministic rulery. The rabbinic period followed. Explainers arose who explained the explainers, commentary upon commentary was written.

The Greeks conquered Persia, the world adapted to the Greek tongue. The Scriptures were translated into a Greek version called the Septuagint. Then the Romans came, and a cry of liberation was heard. Not only liberation from Roman or any other kind of rule, but also from the contaminating and mutilating religion that obstructed a clear view on the ancient revelations.

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. And everyone went to his town to register. And while a man named Joseph took his pregnant fiancé Mary to Bethlehem, the town of his ancestor King David, a few Persian astronomers witnessed a celestial event that would lead them to the house in which a Child was born. And the Child was named Jesus. And it was Him of whom Isaiah had said, "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. On those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given. And the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

At the age of thirty Jesus took up preaching. His message was initially aimed at Israel, but after His ascension and the pouring out of God's Spirit, the message became available for all people. Through Christ the people of planet earth could be united in a way no one could have held possible before. The trans-mortal conduit initialized in Abraham had produced life. The surviving leptons and quarks combined into hydrogen atoms. The universe became transparent and filled with light. Time and space began.

Summary of the parallel between the Standard Model and Abraham's family

Sub-polarization : quantum-foam, no permanent existence, no continuum Pre-Abraham : no continuum, no immortality.
Fermions ; 2 groups of 12 Sons of Abraham ; 2 groups of 12, and more
Bosons ; 12, which breach into 8+4, which breach into 8+3+1 Sons of Nahor ; 8+4
Quarks ; 12 massive, space-time curvers Ishmaelites ; 12 sons of an archer
Leptons ; 12 Israelites ; 12 tribes
Strongelectroweak symmetry breach The Exodus ; Israel departs from Egypt.
Nucleosynthesis . The strong nuclear force (in John's passage accompanied by a calf) forges quarks into protons. Israel demands a tactile god and make a golden calf. The calf is destroyed and the Law and the Tabernacle are deployed.
Electroweak symmetry breach Loss of the united kingdom after Solomon
After the quark slaughter only two quarks remain, Up and Down Isaiah's prophesy makes mention of only Kedar and Nebaioth; The Bride likens her color to that of Kedar's camp.
Only two leptons remain , the electron and the illusive e-neutrino Only two tribes remain , Judah (the Jews) and Simeon hidden in Judah
Hydrogen formation . The universe becomes transparent; space-time begins. Particles bond and live forever. In Christ the covenant pours from the Israelite basin towards the entire human species. Two formerly irreconcilable groups (Jews and gentiles) become interconnected. True bonding between humans begins to be possible. Eternal life begins.

The evolution of the Standard Model compared with the family of Abraham:

The evolution of matter over time:
Abrahamic Standard Model
The evolution of Abraham's family over time:
Abrahamic Standard Model

The Standard Model and the family of Abraham are self-similar. That means that they are hugely alike, but also that they have to have some differences. If you care to look at the differences click here.

Otherwise go straight to the good stuff:
Genesis 1