Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Admin

Admin meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Admin.html

🔼The name Admin: Summary

From the root דמם (dmm), to begin, to produce.

🔼The name Admin in the Bible

The names Admin and Arni occur only in Luke 3:33, but not in all Greek manuscripts, which is why many translations leave them out (and read Ram or Aram for Arni). The name Admin, however, is a mystery. Admin is not mentioned in the original Hebrew name list that the Lukan one is based on (Ruth 4:19-20, 1 Chronicles 2:9-10).

However, the Bible's primary concern is the evolution of information technology and the ever waxing knowledge of created reality (from which we learn about the nature of God: Romans 1:20, also see our articles on Logos and YHWH). That means that the key players of the Bible are not so much biological humans but rather human schools of thought or levels of technical sophistication. Said otherwise: before racism was invented, being a Jew was a mental thing, not a physical thing: a wisdom learned rather than a body born with (Romans 2:28-29). And to give another hint: the tabernacle, where God and mankind meet, was a technological thing for which technicians were given technological skills by the Holy Spirit: Exodus 31:4-5. This is also why Abraham, though long deceased, is still quite alive (Matthew 22:32). And it's also why the genealogies for which the Bible is so famous are not genealogies of biological descent but rather of mental descent.

The genealogies of Jesus as given by Matthew and Luke differ, and this is not because one is about Mary (as is often erroneously declared). Both genealogies of Matthew and Luke terminate in Joseph, who was the legal father of Jesus but who had biologically nothing to do with him. Jesus' human genes all came from Mary, who was a niece of Elizabeth (Luke 1:36), who was a Aaronite Levite (Luke 1:5). In Romans 1:3, Paul writes that Jesus was a son of David according to the flesh (that is the living body, not dead meat), and the distinction between human flesh and the flesh of another, comparable mammal, was a legal one, not a biological one (1 Corinthians 15:39, Leviticus 11:46-47).

Jesus was a Levite by biological descent but a Jew-by-law (Luke 3:23; the word is νομιζω, nomizo, from νομος, nomos, meaning law). And since the ratio is all about algorithmic thought (we humans think in rules, which is also why we have language), the ratio is all about lawfulness. Our emotions, on the other hand, are always entirely private. Animals have emotions. And this is because emotions do not depend on rules, and are thus lawless.

This is why the statement that the Word "came in the flesh" (John 1:14) does not so much talk about the physical incarnation of Jesus, but rather the collective understanding of the laws of nature according to which the whole of created reality eternally functions (Colossians 1:16-17). Likewise, when a man and a woman become one "flesh", they don't become a physical Siamese twin but rather a one-minded couple. This is of course also what the one-mindedness of the body of Christ is based on (Acts 1:14, Ephesians 4:3-6, 2 Corinthians 13:11).

All this means that human flesh is the ratio, which is lawfulness, which is the way in which Jesus descended from Judah, via his father Joseph and two different lines of descent from David. Emotionally, or in an animal-biological sense, Jesus descended from Mary and thus from Levi.

But that means that Admin was not a human person, but rather a human mode of thought, which Luke (or an editor close to Luke) believed had existed between Amminadab (Admin's son) and Ram (Admin's father). Now note that Amminadab's son Nahshon was the chief of Judah at the time of the first census, just after the Exodus (Numbers 1:7). And that would make Nahshon's grandfather Admin a close contemporary of Moses, who was eighty at the time of the Exodus.

🔼Etymology of the name Admin

The name Admin (Αδμιν) comes to us in Greek but is certainly Semitic, and is without a doubt related to the names Adam (Αδαμ) and Edom (Εδωμ), and ultimately derives from the Hebrew root דמם (dmm), to begin, to produce:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The root דמם (ddm) is all about beginnings — or rather the simplicity from whence complexity arises — from being still before the noise starts to being monochromatic before color vision starts. Verb דמם (damam) means to be still, noun דממה (demama) denotes calmness and דמה (dumma) denotes a silenced person. Noun דומה (duma) describes the silence of death, noun דומיה or דמיה (dumiya) the silence of waiting and noun דומם (dumam) the silence of inertia or inactivity.

Verb דמה (dama I) describes making a (still) image. Nouns דמות (demut) and דמין (dimyon) mean likeness. Verb דמה (dama II) means to stop, halt or arrest. Noun דמי (domi) means a halting. Whatever the unused verb דמן (dmn) might have meant, noun דמן (domen) denotes refuse and מדמנה (madmena) a manure pit.

Unused verb אדם ('dm) may have meant to produce or begin to produce. Noun אדם (adam) is one of a few words for man but means literally probably "product" or likeness-made-from-soil; man as corporeal unit of humanity. This word is never used in plural, and its feminine equivalent, namely אדמה (adama), denotes arable soil or clay-red earth.

Red is the first color a baby learns to see and red or ruddy is indeed the color of rudiment: verb אדם ('adom or 'adem) means to be red, adjective אדם ('adom) means red, noun אדם ('odem) denotes a ruddy gem, possibly quartz, noun אדם ('edom) denotes a kind of red stew, adjective אדמדם ('adamiddam) means reddish, and adjective אדמוני (admoni) means red or ruddy.

The ubiquitous noun דם (dam) means blood; the seat of life, whose circulatory system always sits inside an organic body, isolated from the world at large. When a river turns to blood, it not so much assumes the color and thickness of blood but becomes isolated from the greater hydrological cycle. The life that is seated in the blood is therefore primarily an issue of waste-management. Without it, the organism pollutes and dies.

Our name is closely similar to the adjective אדמוני (admoni), meaning red or ruddy. This word occurs only twice in the Bible: in Genesis 25:25 in the description of baby Esau, and in 1 Samuel 16:12 in the description of young David. The sea which the Israelites famously crossed on their way out of Egypt was known by the term ים־שוף (Yam-suph), or Sea of Reeds. For reasons that were long unclear, the first translators of Exodus into Greek, translated this term with ερυθρα θαλασσα (eruthra thalassa), or Red Sea.

🔼Admin meaning

The name Admin means Ruddy. It may be a truncated version of the adjective אדמוני (admoni), or a proper noun אדמון (admon), or even אדמין (admin), all meaning Ruddy or Red One. Why the Lukan author or editor inserted this name into the narrative isn't clear but it appears to be a reference to the troubles Israel experienced just prior to the Exodus (Exodus 1:16), or even the crossing of the Red Sea itself. Also see the name Rufus, of similar meaning.