Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Ammizabad

Ammizabad meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ammizabad.html

🔼The name Ammizabad: Summary

My Kinsman Has Given, People Of The Bountiful Giver
From (1) the noun עם ('am), people or kinsman, and (2) the verb זבד (zabad), to give.

🔼The name Ammizabad in the Bible

The delightful name Ammizabad occurs only once in the Bible: in 1 Chronicles 27:6 we read about the mighty Benaiah, who has charge over The Thirty (see 2 Samuel 23:13-23) and for one month out of the year he is assigned a division of 24,000 soldiers of king David. The executive command of that division Benaiah transfers to Ammizabad, his son.

🔼Etymology of the name Ammizabad

The name Ammizabad consists of two elements. The first part of our name comes from the root עמם ('mm):

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb עמם ('mm) probably expressed to be inclusive or comprehensive. Its rare uses in the Bible relate to making secrets or making info available to an in-crowd. Preposition עם ('im) means 'with', מעם (me'im) means 'from', and עמה ('umma) means 'beside'. Noun עם ('am) means a people, ranging from all of mankind to the in-crowd of a small village. Noun עם ('am) refers to one's (paternal) kinsman.

The second part of the name Ammizabad derives from the verb זבד (zabad), meaning to give:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb זבד (zabad) means to give and the noun זבד (zebed) means gift. Both these words are used only once, in Genesis 30:20. These words' more common equivalents come from the root נתן (natan).

🔼Ammizabad meaning

For a meaning of the name Ammizabad, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads My Kinsman Has Endowed, and BDB Theological Dictionary has My Kinsman Hath Bestowed. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names cheerfully proposes People Of The Bountiful Giver, which Jones explains to be the Lord.