Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Madon

Madon meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Madon.html

🔼The name Madon: Summary

Contention, Place Of Judgment
From the noun מדון (madon), strife, which derives from the verb דין (din), to judge or govern.

🔼The name Madon in the Bible

The city named Madon is mentioned twice in the Bible. The first time it's mentioned in a summary of which kings from which towns rose up against invasive Israel; Jobab, king of Madon is among them (Joshua 11:1), and is subsequently defeated by the army of Joshua (Joshua 12:19).

🔼Etymology of the name Madon

The name Madon is identical to the noun מדון (madon), meaning strife, derived of the Hebrew verb דין (din), meaning to judge or plead:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb דין (din) means to judge or govern. It's an old verb that mostly describes the authority of a naturally superior (because that person is wiser, stronger, older, etcetera) in contrast to the governing done by a formal government (by politically favored and appointed officials).

The noun דין (dayyan) describes one such a leader, and noun דין (din) describes anything pertaining to primitive governing: a judgment, plea, complaint, contention. Noun מדון (madon) literally describes a "place or judging" and is synonymous with the contending that goes on in such a place. Noun מדונה (medina) described the jurisdiction of one judge, and became the word for province.

🔼Madon meaning

For a meaning of the name Madon, Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names proposes Contention, Strife. NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Contention.