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Zadok meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Zadok.html

🔼The name Zadok: Summary

Righteous, Just
From the verb צדק (sadeq), to be just.

🔼The name Zadok in the Bible

There are six men named Zadok in the Bible. The most famous of these is Zadok, the son of Ahitub, who is a priest in the time of David and high priest in the time of Solomon (2 Samuel 8:17). During the revolt of Absalom, king David placed the Ark of the Covenant in the care of Zadok and his sons (2 Samuel 15:24-36), and later Zadok anointed Solomon as king over Israel (1 Kings 1:39). The prophet Ezekiel reports a sermon by the Lord in which he assigns land to the faithful sons of Zadok (Ezekiel 48:11).

It may be that the New Testament sect of the Sadducees (Σαδδουκαιοι) derived their name from this Zadok.

Other men named Zadok are:

  • The father of Jerusha, who was the mother of king Jotham, the son of king Uzziah of Judah (2 Kings 15:32).
  • The son of Ahitub the second. This Zadok son of Ahitub lived about three centuries after the first Zadok son of Ahitub (1 Chronicles 6:12).
  • A son of Baana who was among the builders of post-exilic Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3:4).
  • A son of Immer, also a new Jerusalem builder (Nehemiah 3:29).
  • Yet another priest of high-priestly descend, also associated with patriarch Ahitub (Nehemiah 11:11).
  • A scribe (Nehemiah 13:13), but he may have been the same as one of the previous two.
  • And Σαδωκ (Zadok, spelled Sadok) an ancestor of Christ according to Matthew's genealogy through Solomon, who was the great-great-grandson of Zerubbabel and the great-great-great-great-grandfather of Joseph the husband of Mary (Matthew 1:14).

The name Zadok is spelled צדוק forty-nine times, and once צדק (Zadak), namely in 1 Kings 1:26.

🔼Etymology of the name Zadok

The name Zadok comes from the verb צדק (sadeq), meaning to be just:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb צדק (sadeq) means to be just or righteous; to be efficient with social energy. Adjective צדיק (saddiq) means just or righteous, noun צדק (sedeq) means justice or rightness, noun צדקה (sadaqa) means righteousness.

🔼Zadok meaning

For a meaning of the name Zadok, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Righteous. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names has Just. And BDB Theological Dictionary says Just, Righteous.